Sunday, September 25, 2011

What happened to the Allens?

Well all my best intentions never came to anything and three weeks in to the trip, there have been no blogs. Blame a house sale that started to turn to custard, traveling, eating, drinking, meeting people, wandering around, sending outraged emails etc.

There were a few almost-blogs, including:

- My Big Fat Yorkshire Wedding
- Who's been sleeping in my house?
- To Professor Robert Alien: WHERE ARE YOU?
- Mad Dogs.......
- Who is for the Tuna Belly Bits?
...but alas they never got anywhere.

We have:
Sold the house in Yorkshire
Been to London, York, Hornsea, Alora, Seville and Cordoba
Met up with the people we hoped to
Had some fun

And we're just about to go back to London.

Meanwhile, if I can stop traveling, eating, drinking, meeting people, wandering about and having fun, I will do a blog.

1 comment:

FM said...

That's what holidays are about - so don't worry about the blog, just get Ann to load some photos:)