Thursday, October 02, 2014

Just a thought

After three days of travelling to work by ferry (actually two ferries and one hour each way) I have had time to ruminate on any further possible similarities between living in Devonport and Long Island City. Some do come to mind surprisingly, for example, kayakers:

Or a new library:

Or dogs all over the place, though they are mostly micro-dogs who live in swanky apartments and spend their day at the local "Pooch Sport and Spa" and who have their own riverside park which is designed something like a skateboard park.

Or hovering helicopters, though in this case there were four of them and they were watching across the river to the UN where Barak Obama is opening the General Assembly.

Meeting the nation's leader. I've met NZ PMs quite a lot. I met Obama on Sunday. Well, more accurately, he nearly ran me over as I tried to cross a Go light outside the New York Public Library, along with his entourage of 25 cars, vans and trucks with FBI men staring out of the windows. However, he did smile and wave at me, which I thought was nice of him.

As you can see the similarities are starting to fray, so await the differences:

Lots of Americans who are quite different
The second most vegan city in the world
A ferry that travels at half the speed of the Kea
and much much more


Unknown said...

Well, I hope you waved back at him? You remind me of a 'waved at from car' incident in London many years ago. Living by a famous traffic bottleneck junction (Oakleigh Square, Camden)I was accustomed to walking past mostly stationary traffic. One day, as I pushed Charlotte in her push-chair along the pavement the black window of a limo started to open. It shows the influence of cinema that I registered this happening and was expecting a gun nozzle to emerge!!! But as the window slid down a waving hand emerged and Nelson Mandela was smiling and waving at Charlotte. I stopped and knelt down to tell Charlotte to wave back and in so doing I made direct eye contact with the friendliest face. As the car moved passed he said 'Good Morning' and the window closed. I was a quivering, excited, star-struck idiot. Charlotte was unperturbed by the encounter :-)

Devonport Heritage said...

Thanks for that very cool moment Sarah. Mandela beats Obama beats any number of NZ. Prime Ministers!



Unknown said...

LOL .... Rob you are making me chuckle a lot. It's not a competition ....anyway,Obama beats just about anybody alive on the planet! Thank you for sharing your encounter with Obama (I'm glad he didn't run you over!). Take care in that there big city and keep on blogging :-)